What I’ve Learned About Employee Engagement

Over the years, I’ve learned a few important aspects of employee engagement. Employees need to feel invested in and want to be apart of the company goal. As leaders, it’s our responsibility to talk about everything with our employees. Whether it’s defining requirements, getting input on a decision, sharing information, articulating career goals, or listening to the story of a child’s first soccer game—communicating with your employees is essential to overall success. I’ve found that listening to employees creates a sense of belonging, and develops camaraderie within the organization. Have one-on-one time with your employees to find out what’s going on in their lives—iPhone free. Talking and listening can be one of the most beneficial ways to increase employee engagement.

Keeping employees engaged also requires giving praise and creating opportunities for employees to shine. When you thank an employee for assisting on a project or providing insight on a difficult decision, they are more likely to contribute in the future. Praise employee successes and support any ideas that may be better than your own. An engaged workforce is one where ideas flow freely and input is encouraged, even if it’s at the expense of your own opinion. Here at Centris we give Kudos, our figurative pat on the back. Job well done! Keeping our employees happy=keeping our customers happy.

by Chip Wilson, VP Marketing

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